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You searched for: Tag: Too much to Soon
    NoDeadenz  21, Male, New York, USA - 84 entries
Sep 2008
6:05 AM EDT

I dont understand why I continue to conversate with Gene. He is an asshole, every since I told him that florida people are backward thinking. He is just dumb I meant domb as my father would say. LoL. I can see his mind churning, he isnt getting the goods and neither is anyone else for that matter. Today seems kind of warm, I hope this is a good day. Everything he says is "you know what I mean. And he calls himself educated. Why am I wasting my time? He is intimidated by me its so obivious. I guess he came here to escape his felonious past. I hope he didnt kill anyone. You can never be sure with people these days. Hell shawcross was a serial killer, yet people say he was very tame. On to another subject Randy he is very territorial. I am not his woman, I get the impression he would like me to be. I will not commit to him or any other man at this time. Oh yea I fell up the stairs yesterday damn did it hurt too.� Alone I layed supine on the floor in a daze. I was scared that I wouldnt recover! I have a very long scratch under my breast to my my waist. It is ugly!� Told walt about it and ask could he put some cocoa butter on it.� First time for alot of things.... I change before he came had on boxers, switched to capri's. Too much skin exposed.

Of course he obliged without hesitation. This was the closest we have ever been. Then he pulled me close to him it was nice. Here's the shocker he KISSED ME. Let me rephrase that we kissed, I didnt pull away. I kissed him too I should have used more restraint..As long as I've been� aquainted with him, he has never� touched me, I mean Never ok. Not holding my hand nothing, so I asked him did he drink some courage juice or something. I would have went to his house with him� to chill but he told me that was not a good idea plus my shoes were no where to be found.. Probably right about that. At least I�can read him easily. I didnt tell him this but, I saw another side to him, he has been hurt bad in the past.� I could see past what I call his� thug facade,� briefly, he is soft. Walt has never put the moves on me, or tried to force me� into doing anything. But when he kissed me I was stunned. I did tell him though I do not make it a habit of kissing my friends. He makes me laugh, his sense of humor is awesome! Not sure how the subject came about but he told he is working with� 12 inches. So Iam thinking another dude bragging as always. Then he proceeds to say he is dick is 2 inches and his tongue is 10, that is some funny shit.

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